Things I Love Today: Fruit for Dessert

Things I Love Today: Fruit for Dessert

The Moroccans and Chinese have it right. There is nothing better than serving a gigantic plate of fresh fruit and tea at the end of dinner. All that delicious fruit stimulates conversation, balances out a heavy meal and keeps everyone engaged at the table a while longer.

After our hearty squash enchilada dinner last night, I brought out a silver tray with slices of ripe pluots, mangoes, blackberries and grapes from the produce market. Delicious!

PS: This photo isn’t mine, but instead from a great food blog called Cucina Testa Rossa. Check it out!

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There are 2 comments for this article
  1. Queen Scarlett at 6:09 am

    This is how I grew up… fruit after dinner… I was not used to anything other than that. That’s why I love summer and livin’ in Calif… the bouquet of fruit.