Urban Girl Alamanac: Flood Advisory

Urban Girl Alamanac: Flood Advisory

When will it stop raining? I’m getting tired of bundling up like an eskimo. And since I haven’t been motivated to do my daily walk to the grocery store, we’ve been stuck eating bean tacos. Here’s what I learned this week:

  • Designing my own wedding invitations is going better than I thought it would.
  • The club ladies have some great recipe ideas.
  • How on earth did the producers of Moment of Truth manage to make it sooo boring? I could only watch a couple minutes before turning off the TV.
  • It’s fun to watch California freak out when it snows.
  • For some odd reason, I’ve only needed 5 hours of sleep each night this week.
  • Pinto beans require more seasoning than black beans.
  • Turtleneck + dress + tights + boots = warmth.
  • I discovered how to make envelope liners.
  • Say hello to the newest LAC chapter in Avondale, Florida! We’re up to five by my count.
  • “Bliss on Toast” is my new favorite saying.

This weather has put a damper on our weekend plans. It was my plan to have a super girly weekend with Rob to make up for last weekend’s adventures. Going to Gump’s, shopping for china, getting pedicures, watching Juno and having a candlelit dinner. We’ll see if we can even manage to leave the house. Have a great weekend!

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There are 6 comments for this article
  1. Chelsea at 11:35 pm

    I guess we traded places weather-wise. We’ve had no rain for a week (miracle!) and constant sunshine. But it has been very very cold. It might even snow this weekend.

  2. deidra at 11:51 pm

    A good part of this week we had highs of about 15 degrees F and it hovered about -10 degrees F. I think rain would be glorious!

  3. Nancyd at 3:20 pm

    I have been following your weather on the news & while I’m always envying your climate, I must admit this is getting scary. We are expecting several more inches of snow. Stay safe & dry.

  4. Shauna at 3:14 am

    I just discovered your blog, LOVE IT! I waited all week for “Moment of Truth” and yawn. It was really a bore and I think you must have to be pretty pathetic to actually be on that show.