This is my third week of kettlebell training at my…
1906 Earthquake Centennial
The 1906 Earthquake Centennial officially kicked off with a pre-dawn memorial service this morning at Lotta’s Fountain on Market Street. Loved seeing those sassy centegenerians on TV! I didn’t hear the bells and sirens at 5 am today. Not sure if I slept through it or if the bells didn’t go off in my neighborhood. I slept surprisingly well last night after being exposed to countless scary earthquake stories and future forecasts.
Everything is set for tonight’s party. I polished the silver, wrapped up the costume prizes and set the table last night. I won’t ruin the surprises but I will tell you that the whole house is going to be candlelit for the event. Now all that is left to do is to run over to Lucca’s Ravioli to buy some pasta supplies for dinner!
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