Today's advent calendar image brings together a typography, charity and…

For some reason I am feeling an extreme desire to be French today. Maybe it is the silk scarf in my hair or the fact that French people don’t miss their MUNI bus to work…every…single…day. Anyways, I think the only way I can satiate my French addiction today is to do a little shopping. Jean’s going to place an order at La Redoute with a few things for me. It’s a good start, but it’s going to take more than that:
- Cuvettes – Look at these divine cafe au lait bowls. Don’t they remind you of that scene from Amelie? Do you like them even more now that you know they are much cheaper than the ones from Anthropologie?
- Savon – A big block of soap made with olive oil and lavender is a must.
- Patisserie – Tartine is not too far from my house.
- Musique – Edith Piaf, Yann Tierson and anything involving a perky accordion.
- Hermes – I’ll take it all, please. Especially the peony tea set and a handful of silk scarves.
- Ruban – Maybe this French-addiction is related to the fact I was using imported wire ribbon from the Ribbonerie last night.
Au revoir mon petites!
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