A embarrassingly large element of deciding to start my own…

Recipe: My favorite cobb salad
One of my most frequent cravings is for a cobb salad. It’s the thing I always order on a menu in a strange restaurant! Mmm. I could go for a cobb salad and an iced tea right now!
For dinner this weekend, I made a huge cobb salad following my “secret recipe.” I’m not sure if it technically counts as a cobb since it doesn’t include egg, tomato or french dressing, but here it is:
1 bag or 1 head of lettuce (preferable mixed greens)
1 avocado
1/2 can of black olives
5 pieces of turkey bacon
1/2 cup of crumbled gorgonzola
3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 teaspoons of onion salt
Microwave the turkey bacon for 4 minutes covered with a paper towel. Once the bacon cools, break it into “bits.” Cube the avocado and roughly chop the olives. Toss the greens with olive oil, onion salt and vinegar. Layer the avocado, olives, turkey bacon and gorgonzola on top. Toss the salad together right before serving.
I like the Louis Rich brand of turkey bacon the best. Oddly, you can buy it on Amazon. This salad is also really great with chicken if you have some left over. I find that this recipe is much better tasting with a vinaigrette than with a creamy dressing, but feel free to experiment if you’re not a fan of balsamic.
PS: Did you know that the cobb salad was invented by Bob Cobb, the owner of the Brown Derby in LA? Poor guy, he should have gone by “Robert” instead!
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