The flowers for this wedding were crazy awesome, if I…

Weekend Round-Up: Cross Town
What a nice long weekend! Gorgeous weather and plenty of lallygagging. On Friday, Rob and I rode with a bunch of friends in Critical Mass. This time, it followed a route through all the city’s beaches. We reached the ocean along with a few thousand other bikes just in time for sunset. From there, over to the sunset for a great sushi dinner at Goemon.
Up early the next morning to volunteer at Carnaval in the mission. Rob and I were there to park bikes, of which there were very few, in a shaded parking lot. The only excitement was grabbing brunch on the go from Stable – an adorable old building turned into an organic cafe.
Rob continued to volunteer in the afternoon while I shopped for Monday’s dinner party, picked up a few great finds at Nordstrom Rack and grabbed a beer down along the water at Red’s Java House. A quiet evening at home and to bed early…
…to get up very early the next morning for a bike race. We picked up a friend on our way down to San Jose. I dropped off the guys at the start and drove around to Livermore. A coffee, mani/pedi and a few hours with a nice picnic at the finish. Iced tea, shade on a warm day and book – heaven.
Back home in the afternoon exhausted. Naps and relaxing before taking an evening walk to the grocery store. I prepped a few supplies for the next day’s party.
Up early again on Monday! I ironed linens and set the table before our friends Seth and Amy arrived to spend the night. A quick trip to SFMOMA where we got interactive with the art.
Then on to a vietnamese lunch from Slanted Door at the Ferry Building. We sat in the sun and watched the boats pass while eating. Back home in the afternoon to relax and prepare for the night’s party. We got started early – at 5:30 – for what turnd out to be a lamb-stravaganza!
The party ended pretty early, so we had plenty of time to start a load of dishes and kick back with cups of decaf coffee before bed.
Next Post: Lambapalooza
Previous Post: Party Recipe: Rack of Lamb