Dahlias are such happy flowers! Victorians apparently used them as…

Weekends: Housguests
This was such a fun weekend! You simply can’t go wrong when you go out Friday to see a huge amount of tap dancing. We paired up with our friends Greg and Kevin to see Anything Goes at the Golden Gate Theater. Fantastic cast, music and dancing. I’ve had Cole Porter songs stuck in my head ever since:
We walked home from the show to greet our friends from Atlanta, Jackie and Pierre, at the apartment. We stayed up too late talking and slept in on Saturday morning. Coffee, orange slices and hot chocolate croissants for breakfast.
We spent most of the morning in pajamas working on wedding planning for their upcoming event in July. Decided to use paper shipping tags for the save the date cards:
It was too sunny to stay inside once Margaret arrived. The four of us walked up Fillmore Street to pick up stationery supplies at Paper Source. We stopped at Japantown on the way back to buy mango flavored marshmallows and fancy pens. It was super sunny, but also cold and windy out.
Quick break at home before going out for Ethiopian dinner. We made a fire in the fireplace and stayed up late working on wedding crafts. I accessorized the owl cake toppers with a paper hat and ribbon veil:
Lazy Sunday morning with coffee and the paper. We walked down the block to Cafe du Solei for breakfast.
Margaret and Jackie took off for shopping downtown after we returned. I stayed home to work on the wedding invitation designs and prepare for the night’s dinner party. Pierre – who stayed behind to work on his thesis – joined me for lunch at Rosemunde sausages. Walked to the grocery store, took a hot bath and made a huge pot of green chili with tomatillos.
At 6:30, friends arrived for our hodge-podge dinner party. Jean’s friends Jill and Kelly arrived to talk about throwing her baby shower in San Francisco. Pierre’s friend Roger (who lives just down the street) also joined us. Dinner of green chili, cornbread and salad. Followed by a flourless chocolate cake with ice cream and preserved cherries.
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