To Do: Maidenhair Fern

To Do: Maidenhair Fern

I'm craving the bright green delicacy of maidenhair ferns for spring. I've killed - let's say several - of these sensitive ferns in the past.…
Music: Avett Brothers

Music: Avett Brothers

Our friends Matt and Amber saw the Avett Brothers live in San Francisco a couple weeks back. They fell hard for the group...and I'm jumping…
To Do: Stop Moths

To Do: Stop Moths

I hate moths. I hate anti-moth products more. Chemical moth balls are gross. Lavender sachets are dusty. And I can't even count the number of…
What to Wear: Work Prep

What to Wear: Work Prep

The EmilyStyle Tag Sale ends in 2 days. Three things have already sold. I've lowered prices and shipping estimates to get things moving! Start bidding…
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