My office building is largely populated by fancy interior designers.…

Things I love today: Wet Seal
Back when I was rocking the size zero Bongo jeans in Junior High, Wet Seal was pretty much fashion mecca. Where else could you get your matching scruntchies and socks at the same time?! C’mon!
Of course, now that I am all grown up I am way over Wet Seal…yeah right…we all know that it’s impossible to resist the temptation of Wet Seal. Even the most sophisticated Saks shopper is occasionally drawn in.
So during last night’s shopping trip, I had to stop in an pick up some cheap and trendy goodies. My loot: A weird but cute chunky shrug sweater (better than the one pictured) and a long black bead necklace. Plus, their online store has some pretty nice things and with the online benefit of no weird looks from 14 year old shoppers.
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