My poor old white damask tablecloth was never that nice.…

Urban Girl Tip: New catch phrases
After last weekend’s craziness, it’s time to cycle in a few new catch phrases:
Acid burn – A curse term for any sort of minor injury. For example: Oh no, I accidentally touched the curling iron…acid burn! Derived from oddness of international film “Dot the I.” Apologies to people with actual acid burns.
I don’t believe you – Said quickly in a heavy Spanish accent in response to an obviously truthful statement. For example: (I had a bagel this morning.) I don’t believe you. Derived from weird bum fight about having lived in Alaska that was recently overheard on the 22 MUNI bus.
MUNIficence – An actual word (meaning generosity) but used in an ironic setting to describe the terrible conditions or odd passengers of the MUNI system. For example: I can’t believe that the bus refused to pick up passengers at my stop, MUNIficent. Derived from nearly every MUNI bus ride experienced.
Hippiechickadee – A term of endearment for friends who like yurts and gorp. For example: Have fun making lanyards today, my little hippiechickadee. Derived from conversation with friends who live in New Mexico.
T-amnesia – The total lack of belief that you once or ever will again wear less than two layers of clothing outside. For example: She has t-amnesia and refuses to buy anything from the new Spring collections. Derived from my current belief that I will wear nothing other than turtlenecks and blazers for the rest of my natural life.
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