I'm back from my appointment at the UCSF Spine Center.…

The cutest method of transportation ever
Warning: This post contains dangerous levels of sentimental transportation. May not be appropriate for the Sarcasticas of the world.
I thought Rob and I broke the cuteness barrier back in October when we started riding around Golden Gate park on a skateboard together. I ride in the front and steer while Rob rides on the back and kicks. Pretty darn adorable.
But now, Rob’s taking it to a whole new level. He’s decided lately that he really wants to start riding a bike to work again. (We work at the same office and usually take the bus or drive) But I am a terrible bike rider, always have been. Each time I get on a bike in put my life in grave danger. The sheer anxiety alone would make biking to work a terrible idea (not to mention that I wear skirts and pumps to work each day).
So Rob has decided to buy a pedicab like the ones we coveted on our trip to China. He’ll pedal in the front and I’ll ride in the seat! I think he’s already ordered one online and has plans to assemble it with Trent as a weekend project. It’s pretty common in China to see a man peddling his lady around town in a modified tricycle or pedicab but I haven’t seen it done in San Francisco before!
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