Last weekend was so perfect and relaxing! Rob and I…

Things I love today: The Miramar
When I was young, my family used to spend a few weeks each summer at the Miramar Hotel in Montecito, CA. This funny resort had the sort of run-down, old-money charm that is hard to find these days. It was equipped with tennis courts, shuffleboard, a salon, two swimming pools, a boardwalk, a fancy “European-style” terrace dining room and railroad car cafe. The head waiter was about 84, the tennis pro was 90 and the leathery, craby, speedo-wearing, French lifeguard named Jeac was even older.
Together with my grandmother and aunt’s family, we rented the same cabana each year following strict traditions. I am pretty sure that being exposed to all the 1950’s “glamour” at this hotel had a big part in establishing my current misguided opinions about style and etiquette.
I am not sure why I have been thinking about the Miramar lately. I had a dream last night about the resort. It has been sadly been closed now for a few years. A recent sale to Ty Warner (of Beanie Baby fame) ensures that it will probably be remodeled into the kind of McMansion resort costing $1,200 a night and offering gold leaf facials. So sad. I wonder if places like this even exist in America anymore.
Note to self: Don’t start posts with “When I was young..” it makes you sound 500 years old. Actually, this whole post make me sound like I am ancient! For the record, I stayed at the Miramar in the 1980’s…not the 1890’s.
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