Anthropologie....why are you always equal parts amazing and frustrating? The…
Photos from Yosemite!
Rich has posted his photos from last weekend’s Yosemite trip on Flickr. I am the one with the funny nordic beanie, Nicole Richie sunglasses and so many layers of clothes that I look like I recently gained 150 pounds! Here is a great shot of that delightful ensemble. Hey, at least I was warm.
I love this photo the best. Rob is in front with a map and a sandwich looking perfectly at ease. I look like a celebrity Eskimo right behind him. Margaret and Michelle are trailing behind looking a bit confused. This photo was taken about mile 3 of our 8 mile valley hike when we still walking on the street instead of in the snow. The Hungarian (behind me, or is that the Turkish guy?) wasn’t disgruntled just yet!
Click here to check out all of Rich’s photos from the weekend in Yosemite. I honestly look much, much better than that most of the time!
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