The cheapo cardboard case I've been using to store my…

Heat Wave
This heat wave has turned me into a melted mess. It rarely gets this hot in this city with no air conditioning. My hair is a wreck, I need a shower and my makeup wore off at 9am. How does the rest of the country survive summer?! Fall is so much better.
All I know is that I’m eating a pint of honey ice cream and fresh white corn for dinner and that this is making me really happy. Go marriage!
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Sounds heavenly. I wish they would make my favorite flavor of homemade ice cream into one you could purchase at the store.. cinnamon.. delish!
I was wondering if you were going to mention it! Yay!! Hope more follow! That is a right all people in love should have, love is so hard to find, all should be look at as something truly wonderful!
Marriage is a Sacrament and should be between a man and a woman. Gay/lesbians should be allowed to have civil unions so that they can legally state who is their “next of kin”, but not marriage.
Yeah for the California Supreme Court’s decision!! It is totally making my Friday. Let’s all hope, hope, HOPE that it sticks and that more states follow!!
happy friday!
thanks for sharing everything!
greetings from los altos where we are also getting a good taste of the heat wave.
wish me luck for my wedding photography gig tomorrow!
The only thing that made yesterday’s oppressive heat tolerable was the Supreme Court’s decision. Both reminded me why I don’t live in the South – I can’t stand too much heat and I believe everyone has the right to marry.
Well said Annon!
It was 111 in Phoenix today. The way we handle it is to go to California as much as possible. Thanks for the Haagen Dazs tip. Their honey vanilla used to be my favorite. Can’t wait to try this one.
hey, that HD flavor is made with honey from my family’s honey company! mahalo for the shout out!