It was so nice to spend the weekend in the…

Ladies Activity Club: May Flowers
(Note: I forgot my camera at home in the bike-madness. This photo is from Steph and I’ll upload the rest tonight.)
We had the May LAC party at my apartment on Tuesday. Pepper and Tracy hosted, so I got to kick back and enjoy! Our activity was May Day flower arrangements, the small bouquets that hang from a door knob to celebrate spring.
The girls provided felt, ribbon, twine, cans, jars, wire and a glue gun along with a huge container of renunculas, tulips, freesias, gerber daisies, mums and more from the flower market. It was fun to see to everyone’s creativity and perspective. Each arrangement was so unique.
I made two small arrangements each with a different colored felt flower and bow. I took one of my arrangements to work and I’ve been enjoying the doorknob bouquets at home. I think I’ll keep the vases around to make small arrangements when we have company or weekend guests. They’re instantly festive.
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wow, you know Pepper? I know Pepper! And I found your blog through someone else unrelated . . . sorry, just my it’s a small blogger world diversion. The flowers look great!
Those are so lovely!
Pepper’s great! It is a small cyber world after all 😉
that is amazing!
Gig Harbor flowers