This is a photo from one of our guests. I…

Weekend round-up
What a lovely weekend we had! On Friday, Rob and I attended a wine tasting dinner at the Culinary Academy. Far too much food and wine but a great way to kick off the weekend. On Saturday we slept in, went to the REI gear sale and then to the rock climbing gym. At 6:00, we went to our friend Nicole’s apartment for a dinner party. The burritos she made were delish, Jill’s souffles were very tasty and it was fun hanging out with Mojito (the hyperactive long haired chihuahua).
The weather started turning sour Sunday. After lounging with the New York Times and the documentary Mondevino all morning, we tried to go to the gym. It was overrun with three kiddie birthday parties and a lost cause. Instead of climbing, we dashed back home, had lunch and changed before driving out to the Legion of Honor. This museum is by far one of my all time favorite places in San Francisco. And in the pouring rain, it is even more romantic and fun. After visiting the exhibits of earthquake photographs, drawings and porcelain we stopped in the cafe for a piece of carrot cake and a coffee. I bought a book about tiaras in the gift shop (I am going to use a few of the designs for embroidery) before heading home.
Sunday night, Jean and Trent hosted us for a traditional “olive casserole” dinner and the Oscars on TV. Thanks to the Academy, I unfortunately have had the dreadful song “It’s hard out here for a pimp” stuck in my head for 13 hours. Despite that minor setback, it was altogether a perfect weekend!
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