I dug up the recipe for that amazing curry chicken…

Weekend round-up
Finally! A chance to relax on the weekend. With a bunch of people out of town and an empty social calendar, last weekend was a break from out hectic schedules.
Friday night we went rock climbing at the gym for a few hours and then home for a cozy dinner. Saturday morning was a much needed trip to the laundromat and some work on the pedicab down in the garage. Saturday afternoon took us out to Daly City for a trip to Home Depot and a test drive of a few compact cars. Rob and I are considering replacing our sporty Miata with a four-seater. We test drove a VW Golf but the sociopathic salesman put us off car buying for a least a few weeks. Saturday night was a quiet dinner of pork chops at home, gluing “mexican river pebbles” together for the new fish tank and watching “Jarhead.”
Sunday started with the standard New York Times and breakfast routine. Around noon we headed off to the climbing gym only to discover we had a flat tire. Two calls to AAA and three tow trucks later, our car was towed to the shop for repairs today. This ordeal took almost three hours. Luckily, it was a nice day and we could sit on the street in the sun eating pizza slices while waiting for various trucks. Later Sunday night we went to the metreon to see “V for Vendetta” at the IMAX theater. Much better than I expected and very cool on the huge screen.
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