Last night, Rob took the nephews on a long bike…

Review: Cha-Ya
After our first kickball game of the season, Rob and I dashed home to change and catch the bus to Valencia Street. My cousin, Heidi, was meeting us at Cha-Ya for a late dinner.
One of the greatest things about San Francisco is the number of dogs tied up outside of restaurants and stores. For someone without a pet, this provides ample opportunities to get a little non-committal dog love on the fly. While we were waiting for Heidi, this adorable white dog decided I was her new best friend and wouldn’t leave my side. I don’t know if you can tell in this photo, but she is basically leaning her whole body up against my legs. Too cute!
Once Heidi arrived, we left our pal outside and went in to Cha-Ya. I was a little nervous about vegan Japanese food but it turned out to be delicious. I highly recommend the curry udon bowl (#37). Here’s a photo of Heidi and me with our big bowls. I felt so healthy last night! Too bad I could never be a vegan though, this morning’s latte and chocolate croissant are just too tasty!
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