I dropped by Macy's last night to pick up a…

Things I Love Today: Holiday Shopping Ringers
Christmas is just eleven days away. And while that may seem like ample time, consider all the holiday parties, pedicures and travel that comes between you and then. And usually by this time of year only the hardest to shop for people are still on your list. Time to call in the ringers; the stores that always have something perfect:
MOMA – Just like museum restaurants, museum shops are always a good bet. Between the stationary, housewares and quirky accessories this online store is a life saver.
NPR – Anyone with ears and a love of lovely things should be glad to get one of the Tivoli radios carried by the NPR store. They also have an amazing collection of CD’s, books and toys for any taste or interest.
Oxfam – Buy a camel or a sheep for an impoverished country in the name of your friend or relative. Oxfam will send them a cute card and use the donation to do good around the world.
Who is left on your Christmas list? A picky uncle? A doesn’t-want-anything parent? Share your shopping challenge in the comments section.
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No challenges but another tip – The Breast Cancer site has an amazing selection of gifts if you need something unique.
That’s a great idea. I love shopping through charity sites, it’s a double whammy. 🙂
Oxfam is a great idea! I am going to get my mom a sheep!! Thanks 🙂 Merry Xmas!