April 18, 2006 Earthquake centennial events I wasn't planning on getting up before dawn tomorrow to attend the earthquake memorial at Lotta's Fountain. After all, I have a party to throw… Read More→
April 18, 2006 Weekend Round-up: Restaurant bonanza! With my parents in town for Easter and lots of rain, there was little left to do this weekend but eat out in restaurants. A… Read More→
April 16, 2006 Spring Chicken Look at this darling baby! Rob's nephew, Isaiah, is the embodiment of springtime. He's the combination of Peeps, chicks, chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs. Just… Read More→
April 15, 2006 Things I love today: Vintage Silk Scarves The Ribbonerie has struck again! Turns out that there is a huge back room full of antiques, embroidered linens, hats and scarves. Heaven! Jean and… Read More→
April 15, 2006 It’s about time! Congrats to Liz! One of my good friends has gotten engaged! My inner circle of friends is a group of girls I've known since junior high. We're all… Read More→
April 15, 2006 Urban Girl Almanac With Rob sick on Monday and Tuesday and me sick on Thursday it's been a pretty quiet week. There have still been plenty of lessons… Read More→
April 15, 2006 Crafty: Easter baskets I am starting to get excited for this Easter weekend. My parents are coming up to San Francisco and we have a few days of… Read More→
April 14, 2006 Things I love today: The Cosby Show I'm home sick with a cold today...Nothing to do but sleep, eat soup and watch reruns on TV. Isn't The Cosby Show wonderful! My only… Read More→
April 13, 2006 Flower of the week: Grape hyacinth For me, no bulb says "spring" as much as the grape hyacinth. Tulips are nice. Daffodils are perky. But grape hyacinth is my favorite. The… Read More→
April 13, 2006 Things I love today: The perfect shoe Behold the perfect shoe! It's plain, but perfect in every way. If this shoe were ice cream it would be Haagen-Dazs vanilla bean. The simplicity… Read More→