Only 10 miles away from home and an entirely different…

Urban Girl Almanac: Busy Bee
Between work, fun and wedding planning, this was one very busy week. It’s also been a super productive week, so it was worth it.
- Monday night dinner out with friends is a lovely little luxury.
- My wedding dress seamstress, Tracy, is going to rock!
- Fresh chilis are the best.
- My living furniture has a secret night job…it appears on the set of Chelsea Lately. A dubious distinction, but still. I had a fun little daydream about it taking the subway to the studio.
- I wore a dress to work three days this week, good job me.
- Pet peeve: People who brag about staying late to work and also happen to get in late. Yeah, 10 am to 7pm…real impressive eight hours there.
- I could watch 30 Rock all day, every day.
- What to wear? Eggplant, apparently.
- I saw someone commuting to work on a unicycle this week.
- Caterer tastings are fun. And also sort of heinously similar to performance reviews at work.
- We were treated to the best sunset while driving back over the bridge last night. Click on the photo to get a closer look of this gorgeous city.
- That leftover green chili is going to make some awesome nachos for dinner tonight.
- New song obsession: Scar That Never Heals by Jeremy Fisher.
We’re going sailing tomorrow morning. I can’t wait! Expect many photos on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Next Post: Rug Hunt: Black and White
Previous Post: Weekend Round-Up: On the Bay
Sailing!?! How awesome. Enjoy!
Do you mind adding more info on your seamstress? Does she make custom designs? I am stuck trying to find a good seamstress (not necessarily a “wedding” seamstress) as I would like a custom 50’s/Audrey styled dress.
She unfortunately can’t take on projects until the start of 2008. In the meantime, I’ve heard good things about this woman –