Uggg...I was home sick yesterday with a cold. Not feeling…
What to Wear: Business Trip Fun
Jessica has a big work trip coming up:
I am going on a business trip to Portland and Seattle in early April. Since I’m a physical therapist, the classes will be spent in shorts (your favorite, I know), so that part is all taken care of. What I really need help on is the social aspect. I went to grad school near Seattle and have a lot of friends left in the area. There is fellow in particular I am hoping will end up as more than “just a friend”. So, I am looking for a fantastic outfit that will set me apart, but not actually look like I’m trying really hard. We are planning on hanging out (probably at Pike Place market and downtown) and eating dinner. I am 5’10 and a size 10, dark hair, pale skin and green eyes. My normal style is sort of French/preppy/casual mix. (I love a good navy striped shirt and a cardigan with jeans). I’m very excited to see your ideas!
Time to turn up the sexy, Seattle style!
Dress – Seattle is known for it’s plaid grunge flair. Plus, plenty of cleavage.
Wedges – Imagine falling daintily into his arms when you slip on an errant squid in these wedges.
Vest – A vest is always a good idea.
Clutch – Yellow is so in for spring.
Earrings – Simply magnificent in feathers and gold.
April Fools! Here’s what I think she should really wear along with a cute white cardigan, flats and light khaki trench.
Next Post: What to Wear: All New Shoes
Previous Post: Inspired: Richard Scarry
ohhh you are going to be chilly! It just snowed there this week.
totally had me going there. i’m glad you were just fooling! lol
Awesome, you totally got me. I was like, “A vest is always a good idea?” okay, I didn’t know…
I was worried about you when I saw the vest!!!! HA!
LOL. Usually I think your taste is great, and I found myself thinking, “Ummmm…am I really that out of touch???”
“A vest is always a good idea”
I think that’s my favorite part
I completely forgot about April Fools and I was so worried about you–was quite relieved to get to the bottom and see what you really recommened.
Haha! you totally got me… yeah, that vest comment threw me off completely… and I was wondering about the cleveage comment too!
The feathers gave it away.. and the cleavage. Very funny though!
I live in Seattle, and was initially a bit offended by the outfit you dreamed up for our lovely city – I’m so glad it was a joke!!
Since the first words out of my husband’s mouth this morning were… ” I know it’s April Fools Day, don’t even try it” I’m happy to see that someone got to have some fun.
hid-e-us. thank goodness you’re joking. 😉
If I write down some of the keywords for this outfit: “plaid” “plenty of cleavage” “vest” “gold” “feathers”, a burlesque singer comes to mind.
And yet, when looking at the outfit, I find the shapes feminine. The great twist comes with the patterns and colors suggested.
I’d bet you couldn’t help but put together a feminine outfit of just about any given items, no matter how ridiculous some of these items might seem individually.
I wish you had the time to prove me wrong!
maria the hun
Before I got the joke, I actually thought this was an okay outfit! I was thinking, “Oh, she’s getting funky on us!” It’s risky and gutsy–definitely a departure from your normally classically feminine pieces. This had edge, and I think that’s what I liked about it.