Over the holiday, my mother lent me her prized hardcover…

Pre-Wedding: Friday Flower Arranging
First thing Friday morning, my mom, sister and Margaret arrived to go to the flower market. Browsing the stalls, we bought gorgeous butter yellow roses, white dahlias, white lisianthus, two kinds of eucalyptus pods, green “berries,” yellow and brown solidago, and chocolate cosmos. I lost track, but I think we spent about $400 on all the flowers.
At the club, we quickly unpacked the vases and got to work filling them with water and floral foam. We were a little behind schedule and quickly formed an assembly line with mom and Margaret stripping leaves and cutting stems, Jean and Nicole creating the filler foundation and me putting on the finishing touches.
The finished product came out so well! The excitement started to build once we had all the flowers put away in the fridge.
Leaving a big mess for Rob to pick up when he came over with the AV equipment, we went to lunch at Fish in Sausalito to refresh after our marathon session. And then to the nail salon. It could have been a stressful moment (they were understaffed and we were behind schedule) but I was preternaturally calm and relaxed. They did an amazing job on my nails and I had the pleasure of seeing my mom have her first ever mani-pedi.
Unexpectedly, it started to rain while we left the salon to join friends and family at the rehearsal. Tomorrow…details about the rehearsal and dinner!
PS: I debated skipping all this “reality” from before the event and going straight to all the glam results…but it wouldn’t be the honest story of the wedding. We worked hard for our success!
Next Post: Pre-Wedding: Thursday with Friends
Previous Post: Pre-Wedding: Rehearsal
The gory details are often the best part. This story remind me of my fiance and I de-thorning over 500 roses, and my matron of honor and I arranging them. My tiny living room was a sea of roses.
Share the deets! I’ve been with you through the planning stages, don’t shortchange me now!!! 🙂