Rob and I loved this quirky New Zealand film! Eagle…
Things I Love Today: Green Coat
Please cut it out with this heat wave business so that I can justify buying this quite reasonably priced emerald green coat.
Best wishes,
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This coat is beautiful and so inexpensive! I must have it as well!
I think since San Francisco is freezing cold for the majority of the year, you can probably justify buying this cold regardless of the current temp, right? It is pretty darn cute. I still get compliments on my crazy bright green one!
I love the green coat… but J won’t let me get another one. I think I love the price even more!
Wow, you would look a-maz-ing in that with your coloring! That’s justification enough.
That coat is adorable! You should be able to justify buying it just in anticipation of colder weather coming.
It’s only 23 degrees here in Michigan…I will take your heat any day of the week and be happy to buy you that coat in return. 🙂