Just when it felt like we might have a dry…

Giveaway: Pirate’s Booty Treasure Chest
Here’s a fun little giveaway for you this Friday:
Win a special treasure chest filled to the brim with all the flavors of Pirate’s Booty (including the new bermuda onion and salt & vinegar) and other snack freebies courtesy of Robert’s American Gourmet Food, LLC.
To enter, leave a comment below in your best pirate-speak (one per person, please) before Sunday at 5 pm PST. The winner will be chosen at random. Good luck, mateys!
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Arrrghh matey…if I don’t win me the Pirate’s Booty I’ll make ye walk the plank.
Ahoy matey! Arrrgh, this here is goen’ to make me bird a wee bit cheery.
Ok, that was terrible pirate speak, but I tried. 🙂 Also, I made your healthy lasagna, it was amazing! Kalamata olives just make it!
Avast! I sees a load of booty. Trim the sails and main the yard,
eat up me hearties, yo ho!
This would be arrrrghhhh-some to win!
Go on the account to find me some booty! Yarr.
Yum! I’d love to win some booty!
Yarrr! Yer off the edge of the map, matey. Here there be munchies . . .
Arrr I’d love to fill me belly with yer free booty, matey!
Me needs to win this ‘ere Booty bounty ‘fore my own booty gets too bountiful for me own peg legs!
Yo Ho Yo Ho this booty’s just for me!!
Rig the main sheet and chart a course fer Booty!
Avast! That Pirate Booty would be mighty fine with me grog!
Yarr, I be hungry, I be.
Yeeerrrggh, me and me matey’s would be thriiillled to winsus some booty!
Aaaargh. Your Booty shivers me timbers.
Aye, i lo’e your blog and lo’e winnin’ thin’s like food because Me am a poor, star’in’ student, gar!
– Cap’n Deb Deadweight
Shiver me Timbers! had o’re the booty for me and my mates! You scallyway…yo ho ho.
shiver me timbers booty below!
So yummy! Arggggggh
Ahoy Matey! Shiver me timbers and hand over the booty! And a bottle of rum!
Entarrrrrr me!
Arrrrgh, indeed matey. This Booty would be better than me pot of gold!
shiver me timbers, that’s a swashbuckling good giveaway!
Shiver me timbers! Just the thought of eh chance to win this grub would excite me miniature people!
Shiver me timbers — a treasure chest full of pirate’s booty sounds delicious, matey!
me parrot loves to share me pirate booty.
I don’t speak Pirate but I’ve got a killer eye patch.
Yaaaaaargh! and a yo ho ho… pirate’s booty be worth da plunderin’!
Aye, thanks for the gi’eaway, Emily, argh!
Arrgh! Me wants yer booty! Avast, ye scallawag!
What’s a pirrrats favorite country? Arrrrghentina:)Yaaar
Well shiver me timbers, we love the Pirate’s Booty! “Aaaarrrrr” better win!
That looks like some booty that I must plundarrr! Show me the treasure, ye scurvy dog, lest ye walk da plank! Yarrr….
(Sorry about the scurvy dog thing…I was deep in the moment. Thanks for the giveaway.)
Sounds Booty-licious!! Don’t make me keel-haul ya, matey.
Shiver me timbers! My wee one, he loves the booty and would gobble it up!
makes me be wantin to plunder me a grocery store now… but i’ll wait a wee time til ye announce the winner..
What did Matty the pirate want to be when he grew up? An aaaaaaaaaaaaarchitect! BAM!
Arrghh ~ am I to late to steal all yar booty?