The two great dictums of being a "Williams daughter" are…

Weekend Round-Up: Homebodies
The combination of poor weather and poor health kept us inside most of the weekend. It’s not my favorite thing. Luckily, I adore the new apartment and being “shut-in” feels more like a vacation.
On Friday night, Rob and I walked up to North Beach to have dinner with the Taylor family. We arrived just in time to help put the twins to bed. Delicious Mexican take-out paired with great conversation. By 9, I was coughing up a fit and we walked back home. Along the way, Rob and I stopped to help a girl who had been rear-ended by a towncar. To bed after catching up on 30 Rock.
The next morning, Rob went off for a long bike ride and I put myself on house-arrest due to the coughing. I spent the morning watching old movies, including His Girl Friday (Netflix on demand may be the end of my social life), and drinking tea. Margaret came in the afternoon with her sewing machine and we turned four old blue velvet curtains into giant pillows for the new day bed – very Scarlett O’Hara! Rob returned in time for a casual dinner with Margaret, watching a movie and calling it a night.
Sunday morning, up early to finish the move. We spent the day cleaning out all the final remaining pieces of the old apartment in between rain showers. All the closets and cabinets were finally swept out, what a relief. Rob dutifully patched all the holes in the wall. We only have a few pieces of art left to haul over when it stops raining. The sun broke through just in time to give us one last nostalgic look at the place.
Such good memories in that cute little apartment; all the parties and fun. It was just perfect for our first four years in the city. Back at home with more boxes to unpack, Rob started to feel ill. We had relaxing night with homemade jalapeño sausage pizza.
The next morning, Rob was quite sick so we called off our volunteer plans. And, it was absolutely pouring rain outside. He spent the morning on the sofa with tea while I worked on a display I’d been asked to make for the NERT 20th anniversary party.

I think it came out quite well. More rain. A casual lunch followed by a batch of fresh cookies and a big pot of chicken (technically cornish game hen) soup with lentils. I watched A Room with a View and prepared for the week ahead. Not much of a use of a three day weekend, but it was relaxing and my cough is getting better.
Next Post: To Do: Day of Service
Previous Post: To Do: Make your Own Pillows
What's wrong with this picture? "Rob started to feel ill… so we had homemade sausage jalapeno pizza."
Ha! Didn't you know that jalapeno sausage cures everything?
Sounds lovely, save for the coughing!!