Liz is a high schooler headed off on a big…

French Week: Musee Rodin
My favorite thing in all of France is the Musee Rodin. That’s my journal entry from my last trip there in 2007.
As you can see: between the tea roses, the giant fireplaces, the french doors and the gray velvet chairs, it’s exactly what I would want in an enormous Parisian mansion of my own. It’s just perfect. Oh, and there’s some pretty amazing sculpture there too.
On any visit to Paris, I recommend spending a whole day there, complete with a big picnic in the gardens. And you’re just a few blocks from the Musee d’Orsay if you can manage to tear yourself away.
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Have you been to the Cantor Arts Center at Stanford? It has the largest Rodin collection outside of Paris, and currently Stanford's entire collection is on display.
I love the Rodin museum. My best friend and I spent a totally fun afternoon there trying to casual check out a cute boy (subtly I tell you, plenty of statues to hide behind) and enjoying the art.
I'm loving French week so far!