Rob and I had the honor of attending to a…
Weekend Round Up: Babies
This was a mellow weekend, a much-needed break after the adventure in Memphis. On Friday night, Rob, Margaret and I had some drinks after work and then made tacos for dinner at home.
Saturday morning, Rob left to volunteer with the Bike Coalition in the morning and I hit the bike training for a couple hours of spin. It felt great to get in some exercise after all that fried chicken and BBQ!
At 12:30, we left the apartment to pedal over to the marina. Rob’s best friend from college was in town along with his wife Molly and two kids. We grabbed a burger lunch with the family. The older boy is very intelligent and the little one bundle of muscle – they’re an adorable handful!
Back home by bike at 4:30. We had just enough time to change and hop in the car to drive to El Cerrito. Our German friends Yvonne and Gerald invited us for a delicious dinner party. We started with a traditional soup that included sausage and pickles. Then a spread of roast pork loin, red cabbage and potato dumplings with toasted croutons hidden inside each one. Yum! I ate way too much, even before the angel food cake and strawberries we brought for dessert. During dinner, we brainstormed for Yvonne’s baby shower in October.
Home across the bridge. I tucked in for a deep sleep while poor Rob had to go work all night – his team was doing a big technical migration. He got home at eight in the morning and slept in while I made coffee and read the paper. I practiced making some crafts with corn husks for next weekend’s southwestern-themed baby shower.
At 1:00, I met up with some friends from work to watch the first 49ers game of the season over pints and burgers.
A few errands on the way home – bought way too many books – and a bit of clean up. That’s it! One mellow, relaxing weekend full of good friends.
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