Here's a good tip for city girls - If you…

Weekend Round-Up: Showers
Fall kicked off this weekend with a lot of visiting friends and some strange, rainy weather. On Friday, I met with Jackie and Margaret at the apartment to make three kinds of empanadas: cheese with chilis, shredded chiken with green olives and chorizo with potato. We were filling and dough-making machines…but it still took forever. I’m more of a simple taco kind of person.
The next morning, I walked Jackie and Pierre to the F-train in a heavy mist/light rain. After setting them on their way toward an Angel Island, I shopped at the Ferry Building farmer’s market. Flowers, grapes and fancy chili peppers.
Flower arranging, spin and reading at home in the morning. Rob returned from volunteering with the Bike Coalition at 11:30. Walked over to the barbershop for Rob and hot slices of pizza for lunch. We relaxed at home until Jackie and Pierre arrived in the afternoon for a snack and break. They peeled off again at 5:30 and we prepped for a big night out with Yvette. Subway to the Castro for a fancy italian dinner at Poesia. White wine, grilled calamari, orecchiette with artichokes and walnuts, rack of lamb and a cheese tart with fresh blueberries. Yum!
At 10:30, we caught a cab down to Bottom of the Hill for a night of punk rock. We rocked out with local band The Bar Feeders and were awed by the late-50’s rockers in Nomeansno. At 1:00, we caught a cab home so that Rob could get some sleep before an early start on Sunday.
Up way too early the next morning considering the late night. Rob had to go work with his new colleagues for the first time and had a antsy breakfast. I read the Sunday paper until Jackie and Pierre woke up. We decided to walk over to Butler and Chef on South Park. Coffees and a croissant appetizer while we waited in the park for a table. Then, super delicious eggs benedict and croque monsieur inside. Our ham appreciation was only marred by a slightly snooty, inatentive waitress.
After brunch, it was baby-shower prep-tacular time. Jackie and Pierre packed up and headed back to Davis. I scrubbed the house and readied the food in anticipation of 16 guests! My co-host arrived at 1:00, and the first batch of guests thrity minutes early shortly after. I barely had time to change before launching into hostess-mode. Super fun event, more details coming soon!
The last guests went home at five and Margaret stuck around to help me pick up for an hour – she’s the best! Saturday’s late night started catching up with me pretty quickly. Pajamas and some TV time to unwind after a fun-filled two days.
Next Post: Top 5 for Fall: Fig Cologne
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