Inspired by this vintage white-on-pink embroidery and my recent antique…

Weekend Round-Up: Thanksgiving Part I
What a long weekend this was! We started out on Thursday with a drive to Fresno for Thanksgiving with the folks. We arrived just in time to greet Rob’s sister and her kids and to meet the three baby goats (also “kids”) that were born on my birthday. Meet Abraham, Alvin and Annabelle.

Kids of the goat variety get along just fine with kids of the human variety. The four boys and Rob raced the goats up and down the pasture and played king-of-the-hill on water barrels while we waited for the feast to cook in the various solar ovens.

The nephews also introduced us to their homemade version of a Lego boardgame, very fun! They’re so clever.
Thanksgiving dinner was a grand feast. Amazing turkey with all the trimmings and lots of pie. Rob’s sister and the kids left after dinner. The rest of the evening was pretty relaxed.

The next morning we had a casual breakfast before heading to the hills. Up to Kings Canyon for lunch and to see the General Grant sequoia, the second largest tree in the world. There was about 4 feet of fresh snow to hike around in.

Back to Fresno with just enough time to pack up leftovers before heading home. Long drive…made all that much longer by a growing discomfort in my lower back. Ug, perfect timing for my old injury to surface.
Next Post: Happy Thanksgiving!
Previous Post: Weekend Round-Up: Thanksgiving Part II