I have become completely obsessed with this urban mystery. At…

Weekend Round-Up: Thanksgiving Part II
Back in the city late Friday night with some serious back pain from my old injury flaring up (pinched nerve that makes my whole left side aching, nothing serious but it slows me down). To bed with a painkiller. Rob had to work the next morning and left me with lots of pillows, ibuprofin and Hulu.
In the afternoon, the rain let up enough to venture outside bundled up like eskimos. Rob and I spent a couple hours at MOMA visiting the new collections and the rooftop garden.

From there, we walked to Macy’s for clam chowder in sourdough bread bowls and walked around looking at all the newly installed holiday cheer. From ice skating to gingerbread house displays, the town is in full Christmas swing. The puppies and kittens in the Macy’s window are especially cute this year.

The next morning, Rob left for his office. I read the paper and I tried my best to spin on the bike gently. Had a nice bath upstairs since our shower is broken for the time being. At noon, I picked up Margaret for a trip to one of my favorite places: IKEA! We browsed all the displays, had lunch and picked up all kinds of trinkets.

Quick stop at Trader Joe’s and then up to El Cerrito to see Yvonne and her husband just back from the hospital with 7lb Mona. Adorable little one and such happy parents.
Back over the bridge just as the sun was setting over the bay. Dropped Margaret off at home and spent some time unpacking all my goodies from the car with the help of a dolly and lots of “bending at the knee.” Rob came home right as I was putting his favorite leftover-turkey casserole in the oven. Nice quiet dinner as we prepared for the week ahead.
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