My friend, Nicole, asked me to help her find the…

Weekend Round-Up: On a Mission
We ate SO much this weekend. Whenever we’re together with Jackie and Pierre, the best food follows. The fun kicked off on Friday night – Jackie and Margaret came out with us to celebrate Rob’s birthday at Tadich Grill. We feasted on artichokes, cioppino, sea bass, steak and cocktails while sitting at the bar at this classic place on a rainy night.
Saturday morning, we had toast and coffee at home and then drove across town. Margaret was arranged to babysit my young second cousin, Keira. We picked up the baby and walked down to brunch at Beretta in the Mission. We just stumbled in to this place – but it was delicious. French toast with berries and mascarpone, potatoes with sausage and gruyere and a breakfast pizza.

Back home at 2:00. We met up with Rob and walked through Chinatown for a bit of shopping. Herbs, kitchen tools and a fish for Rob’s office.
We swung back by Rob’s office on the way home to get the fish settled. I gave him this swanky modern tank for his birthday. Copyedited a press release for his boss and hit the pavement again.
Jackie’s boyfriend, Pierre, arrived in the evening and we bundled up for a cab across town. The plan was to hit up an independent movie screening in the Mission – but when we got there, the time was pushed back an hour. Impromptu Vietnamese dinner at Sunflower. Spring rolls, bbq pork vermicelli, garlic noodles, curry chicken, black rice and lemongrass tofu.
Back to the movie screening an hour later. Unfortunately, the film was less than good. After a long hour and a failed attempt at the emergency exit in the back, we had to sneak out past the eager director guarding the door. Poor guy. Subway home and then a couple sidewalk crepes from the wagon in our neighborhood: strawberry nutella for us, banana, almond, honey for the others. Margaret headed home. The rest watched a late movie at home.
Coffee and dried fruit on Sunday morning with the paper. Margaret came over at 10 and we walked over to Red’s for a greasy breakfast.

From there, down along the water to the Ferry Building. Rob and I bought a new kettle and everyone picked up bread at Acme.
At home, I made small sandwiches for our guests to take on the road and we said our goodbyes. Margaret walked with Rob and me to the civic center farmer’s market and then peeled off on her own. Quick stop at Whole Foods on the walk back and then Safeway for even more groceries. Yes, four stops for groceries in one day – but very much needed for stocking up between rain storms.
Tea, oranges and a quiet dinner at home, with lots of fresh veggies and crunchy fresh rolls. BIG week ahead, so expect blogging to be light for the next few days.
Next Post: Happy Birthday Rob!
Previous Post: Dinner: Garden Salad