Okay, okay...I know this is becoming a little repetitive. But…

Weekend Round-Up: Easter
We had a very nice, relaxing weekend with my parents for Easter. Rob, Margaret and I drove down on Friday night and arrived late in the evening. Mom was up with a fire in the fireplace waiting for us.
The next morning, up for the standard routine. Farmer’s market, breakfast at the local diner and groceries at Scolari’s.

Rob and I went to get new tires for the car and walked around downtown around lunch. Back in the afternoon, I had a nap while he caught up on work. Mom and I dyed eggs with “boy” themes like bugs, trucks, spaceships and soccer using pastel crayons for the next day.
In the evening, we went for a seafood dinner at The Quarterdeck – a local, tiki-inspired spot that specializes in deep frying every creature of the sea. Tasty! Then, down to see Pride and Prejudice on stage at PCPA:

They managed to fit in the whole plot in about 3 hours – a whirlwind show! Of course, Mr. Darcy was fun to watch.
The next morning, I slept in and joined everyone for reading the paper with coffee. We had a big breakfast with salsa eggs, turkey bacon, fresh scones and oranges. 

Party prep the rest of the morning. Mom and I cooked and cleaned the house while dad and Rob worked in the yard. We hit two dozen eggs and other treats in the yard just in time for Rob’s sister’s family to arrive. After our hunt for the kids, they hid a bunch more eggs for Rob and I to find. Then, time to eat Easter supper. The table was decorated with bunches of carrots and we shared a buffet of ham, twice baked potatoes, dilled squash, fruit salad and bunny biscuits.
After dessert (strawberry shortcake), the boys ran about in the yard trying to find any forgotten eggs. The family dog loved having four boys to play with.
We hit the road at 5:30 and got back to San Francisco before 9. Put away all our goodies from the weekend and called it a night.
Next Post: Happy Easter!
Previous Post: To Do: Monday Nights
We had a wonderful time with you & Rob. Your folks are so good to us ~ it was a blessing to spend Easter with you all. I would say you & Rob rocked it in the cool Uncle and Aunt department!!! Thank you! 🙂