Turkish was the theme of our weekly dinner party last…

Weekends: Summer Storm
I started last weekend with the second in our summer opera series. Amy came with me to see Cosi fan Tutte since Rob was out sick. This production of Mozart’s “romantic comedy” was charmingly staged in Monte Carlo in 1915:
On Saturday, I went to the hair salon and chopped almost 8 inches off! The cut was inspired by a fashion spread in UK’s Tatler Magazine. I’m still learning to do all the styling myself, but I love it so far!
Nicole and I went for a hike in the afternoon. Then Margaret came over and we picked hundreds of yellow plums from the yard.
We made plum crisp, plum brandy and a blackberry plum sorbet (and there are still so many plums left).
Sunday was a lazy day of reading the paper, doing laundry and cleaning house while the city was fogged in with a storm from Japan. In the evening, Rob and I met Nicole downtown to see Monsters University.
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Previous Post: Weekends: Heat Wave
I made plum-ginger jam one time–it was AMAZING. I could NOT get enough of it. Unfortunately I can't find the recipe anymore, but you could probably improvise. The ginger came from Ting Ting Jahe candies.
Your hair looks amazing!! Summer is the perfect time for a chop.
Your haircut is adorable!
I absolutely adore your new hairstyle!