October in the city is the best! It's warm but…

Moose and Porcupine while Hiking Denali National Park on a Rainy Day
Unfortunately, we had cold and rainy weather the day we visited Denali National Park. It’s the Alaskan interior…it happens. We needed a new plan for our day at the park.
First stop, the visitor center where Rob, Amy, Seth and I loaded up on maps, advice from rangers and dioramas.
Spotted a sleepy porcupine hiding from the rain up in a tree outside the visitor center.
We drove in 15 miles to Savage River Loop for a 4 mile hike.
It was in the mid 40’s – requiring some creative outfitting. I had on two pairs of black leggings, a purple Nike turtleneck, black down jacket, lime rain jacket and a pair of purple and lime ski socks that just happened to pull together the whole ensemble! Très chic.
The terrain of the hike quickly reminded us that we were further north than Scotland. So rugged and misty.
Seth and Amy hid under the rocks in their own improvised rain gear while I hunted wildflowers.
Rob and Seth hiked over the mountain while Amy and I drove the RV over to Savage Cabin to wait for them. Quick break for tea when they returned. We spotted a moose feeding by the side of the road on our way back to the park entrance. We had just dried off, time to park for our second hike!
We bundled up to walk the short trail down to Horseshoe Lake by the park entrance. It’s a quick walk down to the small lake, with a giant beaver damn running on one side.
Rob found a smaller trail under construction that took us out to the river – raging thanks to 24-hours of straight rain. Across the water, a lovely moose with a small calf having their supper.
Although our timing with the weather was unfortunate, it could have been much worse. The next day – after another night of hard rain – they had to close the park and airlift out dozens of the visitors. All this rain we’ve seen in Alaska and in Croatia…and not a drop for our poor dry California home.
Previous Post: Wildflowers of Denali National Park