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Wildflowers of Denali National Park
A rainy day in Denali National Park doesn’t put a damper on all the lovely Alaskan wildflowers. We had a great time hunting for new varieties on our hikes. This is Dwarf Fireweed, a traditional medicinal plant for treating wounds:
Simple pink flower, complicated name. Eskimo Potato Bear Root (seems to be poisonous):
I think this might be Mountain Hairbell, but the color is super deep blue:
This white blossom is called Labrador Tea, a mild narcotic:
Lapland Rosebay is a mini rhododendron. Each blossom is the size of a penny.
Narcissus Anemone, so pretty and delicate:
Pink Plumes are bright in little patches.
Nootka Lupine grows about four feet tall. A giant version of what we have in California:
I think this is a variety of White Lupine:
Wild Strawberry, I didn’t see any berries though:
I couldn’t identify this flower:
Or this flower, either:
Previous Post: A Mystery Flower in Denali, Alaska