Sometime after the wedding, I'd love to take a linocut…

How to Get a Christmas Tree in San Francisco
There are few Christmas traditions in San Francisco I like more than the process of picking out our tree. We’ve been lucky to have Jean, Trent and the baby with us for the last couple years. First step is to walk down to the nearest lot to our neighborhood – usually just a few blocks away.
Picking out the ideal tree starts with a quick conversation with the workers about which trees are the freshest and a bit of consultation with baby Ev.
We leave with a tree, still bundled up, straight from the last delivery. I was so pleased that the wonderful Delancey Street organization was back after a year’s break. They do incredible work with ex-convicts, drug addicts and homeless.
Rob carries the tree back home and uses whatever is his newest gadget to give the trunk a fresh cut.
Still bundled up, the tree is added to the stand and ready for a “big reveal.” Will there be a wompus branch this year? A spider living inside? Snow?
A few snips and we shake out the loose pine needles and evaluate our pick. With Delancey, it always turns out to be a great tree!
Ev helped us test out the Christmas lights and replace burnt out bulbs.
Ready to decorate! Last year, a friend kindly offered to pack up our tree when we left on a last-minute trip to Hawaii – so it’s been fun unpacking everything and adding all the new ornaments gathered on our travels this year.
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