I have a pinched nerve in my back that occasionally…

Weekend Round-Up: Out & About
This was a great weekend! On Friday, we took the train with Margaret to go see at flamenco show at the de Young. On Friday nights, the museum puts on fun events with music and a bar. Amazing musicians and dancers with the flamenco group.
Burritos in the inner sunset for dinner. Rob and I took the train home and left Margaret for her date at the Duran Duran Duran show.
Up super early on Saturday to drive up to Point Reyes. A bunch of our friends had pedaled up on bikes from the city Friday night and camped at Samuel P. Taylor park. We met up with them and headed out on the tandem bike:
First stop, Point Reyes Station where we had warm pastries from Bovine Bakery with all the other bicyclists. At picked up grocery supplies for a picnic.

Then, on to Drakes Bay for our picnic in the fog at the oyster farm:

We had five dozen fresh oysters between the eight of us along with the picnic cheese, crackers, salads and chocolates. Mmm….so delicious!
Smooth ride home with the wind at our backs. Loads of wildflowers in bloom, including so many forget-me-nots. All in all, we biked just shy of 40 miles that day.
Rob and I gave a couple girls rides back to the city from the campground. Hot showers and dinner at home around 7:30. To bed early, completely worn out.
Lazy morning with the paper on Sunday. Rob and I walked over to his office for an errand and grabbed breakfast. Classic foggy and windy San Francisco weather. Ripe strawberries and other supplies at farmer’s market in Civic Center. Back at home, we started preparations for the annual earthquake party on Monday – we’re on for 17 people this year! Our new table should be in fine form:
To the grocery store in the afternoon and then an evening of preparations. I’m trying the Tadich Grill recipe for cioppino this year and it involved a lot of chopping:
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I'm so excited for tonight. I haven't seen you for a while.