Articles Written By: mrsem

This author has written 3874 articles
Thunderbolts & Lightning

Thunderbolts & Lightning

I had to drive through the BIGGEST storm last night. It was like something out of an apocalypse movie!Living in California all my life, I…
To Do: Dogsitting

To Do: Dogsitting

We are babysitting the sweetest dog this week. Aysa is a young German Shepherd rescued by my boss. She's been a very good guest, bearing…
To Do: Mountain Play

To Do: Mountain Play

We just bought our tickets to Mountain Play for the summer! This year, I am determined to win the picnic contest and have finally invested…
To Do: Tea Tasting

To Do: Tea Tasting

I'm having a "de-stress" week for my team at work. Each day, there's a little relaxation gift or activity as appreciation of their hard work…
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