Articles Written By: mrsem

This author has written 3874 articles
Sale Alert: DVF

Sale Alert: DVF

Danger! I want to buy pretty much everything that Diane von Furstenberg has on sale right now. Simple and modern for spring, count me in.
Recipe: Cioppino

Recipe: Cioppino

This recipe was more work than previous cioppinos I've made but so worth it! The Tadich Grill broth starts with a whole lot of chopping.…

Inspired: Walker Library

I've been so inspired by this video of the The Walker Library of Human Imagination in Connecticut. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a big…
Hawaii: Plantation Gardens

Hawaii: Plantation Gardens

Big thanks to Lindsay for the recommendation of Plantation Gardens. Looks like an awesome place in Kauai for a "step-out" dinner. Too bad it's on…
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