Crafty: Pomanders

Crafty: Pomanders

Want a fun holiday scent in your apartment but happen to be anti-tree? Try making pomanders instead. This easy project combines cloves and oranges to…
Victorians were really odd

Victorians were really odd

Browsing on Fay Cullen, you occasionally stumble across an odd Victorian piece of jewelry. Jeeze, they were weird back then! Some of it is just…
Shopping: A lotta Lotta

Shopping: A lotta Lotta

I am apparently a huge accidental fan of Lotta Jansdotter. The Swedish/San Franciscan designer is almost omnipresent these days!Open Sunset Magazine, there's Lotta in her…
Advent Calendar: December 5

Advent Calendar: December 5

I hope your weekend was full of Christmas tree decorating, gift shopping, cocktail party chatting and crab feasting like mine was! Click on the advent…


Since my apartment is stocked with inherited antiques and I happen to work in an area filled with antique stores, I occasionally have the weird…
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