I went to the most amazing party last week! Figuring…

Always trust the cabbies
Late last Saturday night, we took a cab home from North Beach. When the middle-eastern driver heard where we wanted to go, he immediately picked up the cell phone to order a “combo-plate to go” from Truly Mediterranean. He couldn’t stop talking about how great the food is at this place on 16th and Valencia. We tipped the guy a few extra bucks for the food advice and for his three “babies” and stumbled home.
The next night, lost for ideas on where to eat, we walked down 16th to give it a try. It more than lived up to it’s reputation. For $6, I got a huge plate of hummus, baba ghannouj, dolmas, fallafels, feta cheese, spiced onions, tabouleh and cucumber salad. The place is a dive, but the kind of dive that you feel really lucky to have discovered.
From now on, I am going to ask every cab driver for a restaurant recommendation!
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wouldn’t that fall under the general heading.. talking to people on public transportation?? and I thought that was strictly prohibited? hmmm, interesting. Check out my blog (i posted again!) for today’s bus adventure!
A taxi is private transportation, not public. 🙂