This was an easy, tasty weeknight dinner with flavors that…

Weekend: Settling In
Columbus Day weekend is traditionally San Francisco’s finest. It’s like 4th of July, Memorial Day and Labor Day combined! Our late summer hot weather kicks in, Fleet Week arrives with sailors and the airshow, Hardly Strictly Bluegrass fills the park, Castro and North Beach have neighborhood festivals. Plus, this year we had two post-season baseball games, a football game and America’s Cup.
Rob and I spent most of this amazing weekend unpacking. Which was wonderful. It feels so nice to be settling in to this new home. With some help from Jean and Trent, we unpacked the kitchen and got the living room almost entirely. The couch even made it up with a special lift over the balcony and through the bedroom. We get so much light in this new place. (ugh, those curtains)
Jean and Trent headed over to the park to catch some live music while Rob and I moved out the last stuff from our old place. Why is it that those final few trips are so hard
They returned in the evening and we met up with Margaret for a Mediterranean dinner down the block.
More unpacking on Sunday morning. We’re battling a major cat urine situation in a couple spots in the apartment using all kinds of cleansers. It feels more like an exorcism of some kind of invisible demon cat – but we’re making progress.
Back to the old apartment for the final tour. Rob and I had time for lunch at our favorite spot, Tropisueno, before the appointment to turn over the keys. Yum, I think this is my favorite place to eat in the city:
It was sad to say goodbye to SOMA and our loft apartment that was so great for entertaining. On to a new chapter in our city life!
More unpacking at home before I had to dash downtown for a business dinner. I rode on a subway car crowded with baseball fans headed to the game. Back home with enough time to relax in the new den with Rob watching a movie.
Next Post: I am still alive!
Previous Post: Inspired: Academy of Sciences Party
Hello! Long time reader, first time commenter. For your cat urine problem you'll need a cleaner with bacterial enzymes that will actually "eat" up the urine and get rid of the smell. There's a product called Anti-Icky Poo that's really good for that stuff. Good luck! Your new apartment looks lovely.
– Ruchita
Homemade recipe that has never failed me to remove cat urine. Use all that you make, otherwise bottle will explode.
16 0z Hydrogen Peroxide
1 Teaspoon dishwashing liquid
1 Tablespoon Baking Soda
Mix together and soak area, leave on till completely dry if a white residue appears it can be vacuumed or brushed away.
Love your apartment and honestly, the window coverings look lovely in the picture. I admire the light in your room.
Another thing that works on urine is simple vinegar and water. It will take out the smell and the salad smell will eventually disappear.
I have also used the mix that "Anonymous" posted. It is for hardcore stains and may be what you need.
Good lucky and be happy there.