Do you remember watching maple seeds flutter down to the…

Urban Girl Tip: Glove storage
Baby, it’s cold outside! The weather in San Francisco has decidedly turned from sunny fall to freezing winter over the last few days. This means, it’s time to break out the cold weather accessories! I wore my first pair of gloves yesterday (yay!).
Of course, my collection of gloves (mostly inherited, some new) is jammed up at the back of my wardrobe right now and it’s nearly impossible to find a matching pair. What’s a girl to do? After considering boxes and hooks, I think I have found the solution: I am going to sort the gloves and put them in small labeled manila envelopes. Since you don’t really need easy access to all 20 pairs at all times, I think this envelope process could work.
PS – Those cute gloves in the photo? They are a $70 pair in leather and cashmere from Bluefly.
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