From all the office gift baskets (dubbed "Christmas nasties" in…
Thanksgiving is already here (really!? How is that possible?!). Following in Garrison Keillor’s footsteps, I am thankful this year for some simple pleasures. These are a few of my favorite things:
- The gorgeous weather in the city this week
- Getting a seat on the bus
- The third successful Ladies Activity Club party
- The San Francisco Public Library system
- Taking the subway downtown to shop with Jean
- Stamps and envelopes
- A glass of cold water from the fridge
- Having nice friends who like me even though I am a bit funny
- My fish, Coco Chanel
- Advent calendars with glitter
- A great, if a bit funny, family
- Pomegranate jello salad
- The miracle known simply as ibuprofin
- Technology that lets me chat with friends who live far away
- Rob’s little surprises, like lilies and granola bars
- Just being in San Francisco
Have a great Thanskgiving everyone!
Next Post: Things I love today: Winter forest candle
Previous Post: 20 gifts for under $20