Despite having my third, maybe fourth, terrible cold of the…

Incredible Hulk: Engine of Destruction
For someone who could easily be described as a “waifish,” 115 pound, lanky, pale girl…I sometimes have an amazing capacity for destruction.
Just this afternoon, I was settling down with a perfect cup of tea (milk and honey) and delicious gingersnaps. Right as I was thinking to myself “what a lovely little break this is” I somehow managed to spill half of my tea all across my keyboard and in my lap. When I ran to get paper towels in the kitchen, I ripped the paper towel holder (screws and all) off the wall.
How is it that I have Incredible Hulk like strength when it comes to being cluzty?! I can barely carry groceries home but as soon as I knock something over it’s straight to “Emily Spill….Emily Smash?” Apparently, my tea is also mighty powerful. The tiny amount I spilled caused my entire computer to shut down for a half hour. Ah…Fridays!
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