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Shopping Challenge: Spring purse
Today’s shopping challenge comes from Jean. Considering that I only convinced her to carry a purse regularly a couple years ago, this is a positive development:
I want a new purse. Requirements: Large enough to schlep all my stuff to work, some sort of trend going on, but not too much that it will be utterly useless in a month or two, and under $80. Something like this but in the United States. Ideally with a nice color. Enough that it doesn’t look super boring, but not too much that it doesn’t match with anything ever.. white, dark turqouise, dark green.. something like that. Readyyyyy.. GO!
Okay! Shopping challenge is on! This is hard because I am not really a great purse shopper myself. Here are my picks for Jean:
- Bond Street Handbag – From Bluefly for $79.99, this one is a bit plainer than her example but also a little more polished. I’m not sure how long a white purse would survive with Jean, so it’s a half hearted recommendation.
- Kenneth Cole Handbag – For only $26.99 from Overstock, I’m willing to overlook the fact that it may be a bit too small for what Jean needs to carry everyday. Love the green color.
- Suede Hobo Handbag – At 14″ wide, you can definitely carry some stuff in this bag. And at $77, you don’t have to worry too much about keeping the suede pristine. Go for either the white or green.
- Rectangle Handbag – Love it in yellow for $53.99.
- Woven Bucket Handbag – The brightest green, big enough for a bio textbook and on sale from urban outfitters!
- Beaded Straw Tote – Not what Jean is looking for, but darling anyway. Pick the olive beading.
- Woven Hobo Handbag – Only $60 from Shop Intuition. It’s nice in white.
- Mini Hobo Handbag – It’s hard to find bags in dark green! This hobo from Nine West is a nice choice. This is also a nice option.
How did we do Jean? Do any of these bags work for you?
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