Winter in California really starts in January, so it is…

Shopping challenge: Surviving the rain
After what seems like two straight months of rain, I am starting to get very tired of my old outerware. I also have the Madonna song “Rain” stuck in my head for hours at a time. Rain. Annoying for multiple reasons.
Since there is no end in sight, it is time to either grow gills or go shopping. I can’t bear to invest a lot in more rain gear, so we’re going cheapo. JC Penney has a pink down jacket for $29 that is hideous but could work as a replacement for my tired black puffy. Target has a peacoat option in a questionable green color, a decent tweed coat and this coat which would be so much better in black and white. This coat by Beyonce is actually kind of cute too. Ugg, it’s just too dreary to consider that it will be still raining when a coat I order online arrives.
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