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Party Recipe: Picnic in the park
This gorgeous weather is perfect for enjoying San Francisco’s many parks. Why not throw a little picnic for a few friends while the sun is out? Dolores Park has great views of the city and Golden Gate park is in full bloom. Here’s a party recipe for a sunny picnic:
- Big blanket – A king size comforter or quilt makes a cozy home base.
- Mega sandwich – Make a giant sandwich out of a loaf of artisan bread. Slice the loaf in half and fill it with cheese, veggies and a non-mayo spread (such as pesto). Wrap the whole thing up and bring a knife to cut off slices.
- Salt and Pepper Chips – It wouldn’t be a picnic without this Trader Joe’s standard.
- Snacks – Pack some healthy fruit and veggies to balance it all out.
- Hot cider – Even on a sunny day in SF, it’s nice to have something warm to drink. Bring a thermos of coffee, tea or cider. Don’t forget the wine and beer!
- Lawn games – Rob and I love bocce ball. Pick up a set of horseshoes, kites, badmintton or frisbees for your party.
- Pan of brownies – Bake a batch in a round pan and toss the whole thing in to your picnic basket while still warm.
Get out there and enjoy the parks!
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You make your day at the park with a picnic seem so easy!! And San Francisco seems to be such a wonderful place. I’m in NC and the summers here are anything but cool, even in the mountains…. definitely too hot for something hot to drink!
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Again thank you for sharing and for such good info on how to make a picnic fun and easy to do!!
May your day be filled richly with blessings and joy!!