Man alive is it cold today! How did we manage…

Crafty: Cupcake mania!
I felt like such a PTA parent last night! Jean came over around 7:00 and we proceeded to bake around 100 cupcakes for her Ladies Activity Club Party tonight. One batch each of chocolate, white, funfetti and toxically-pink strawberry cake! Our measuring wasn’t very even and we burned a few cupcakes (and a few fingers), but it was otherwise a success.
For the cupcake decorating party tonight, Jean has prepared a buffet of toppings. Along with five different kinds of frosting, there are sprinkles, gummy bears, coconut, food coloring, chocolate chips, candy bars, cocoa powder, jams and more. While baking last night, we also made a veggie platter and a cheese plate for the guests. Every single one of the silver trays I own are making a showing at tonight’s party.
I’ll post some photos of the party tomorrow. I think it will be a blast! It’s such a fun idea for a summer afternoon.
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